Braille2000, LLC:
Contact Us
The form below is the most secure way to reach us (this Web page is secure).
If you wish to use e-mail, you may send your e-mail to
"sales at" using standard e-mail address punctuation.
(please excuse the inconvenience--the @-sign has been omitted to prevent
automated Web crawlers from spamming this address)
You can still reach us via the form below. A response will be sent to you via e-mail.
When asking for technical support, please specify your operating system and
Braille2000 version number.
We regret any inconvenience caused (wouldn't it be nice if e-mail were not
being used to attack both one's sanity and one's computer!).
Notice that this page is secure (via the https protocol).
Items marked with ? must be filled-in (erasing the ? as you do so).